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Government Sponsered
Posted by Cyd
4/10/2009  2:18:00 PM
This is a first for the State i live in. Yesterday as part of an Annual Event held here at the Jupiters Casino in Queensland the Government footed the bill for a series of six lectures which lasted for six hours. Among the lecturers was Anthony Hurley and Ruud Vermeij. The cost was nothing. A large crowd turned up, one side of the arena was packed. Everybody recieved a gift bag containing large packet of tea and a beautifully presented program giving information on what was going to be spoken about. They even supplied a pen and a couple of pieces of chocolate and some other goodies.
It might be worth mentioning at this point. Anthony Hurley said .
" I am constantly amazed that lower grade dancers think they can used the choreography of champions when they do not have the understanding of the tools in their tool box to achieve something that has taken years of dedication and strenuous practice ".
Thanks must also go out to Dancesport Queensland as well as the the Queensland Department of Sport and Recreation. I will be eternally gratefull for learning something in the Double Reverse Spin which i was unaware of after doing the darn thing for many years. Much to much to go into, so i wont even try.
Re: Government Sponsered
Posted by terence2
4/11/2009  11:36:00 PM
DR spin... Ok,, what was it ?

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